Meet new mum friends - it's now easier than ever before.

Momzie connects mums and mums-to-be with other mums and mums-to-be. Your new friend might be just one swipe away!
Get yours now!
Our story
Momzie is a mobile App where mums and mums-to-be can meet and make new friends in their local area, in an easy and fun way. Momzie came to be when its founder Hanna realised that it was really hard to be a supportive friend to the new mums she knew as she did not have children of her own. She also noticed that her mum friends did not have a supportive group of friends to help them through this challenging time. During the day when stay-at-home most needed company most of their friends without children were at work.

What was needed was an easy way to get these new mums together and start new friendships, and so Momzie was born.
Since launching Momzie, there have been thousands of new friendships formed that have enabled mums to find peer support during pregnancy and beyond.
"Brilliant idea!"
"This is just what I need!"
"Basically the only question is, why on earth this comes just now, I would've needed it for so much earlier already! :D"
"I downloaded it yesterday, and I already found peer support and nice mums to talk to"
"This is super!"
"At this lifestage, it's like a lifesaver!"
For companies
You can reach tens of thousands of mums and mums-to-be in the UK, nationwide or just within walking distance from your business. It’s your choice. 100% of Momzie users are women, who are either soon to be mums or mothers of young children. So you can be confident that you reach exactly the market you want to target.
Within the Momzie App, there’s a separate page for businesses who offer products and services that are of interest to our users.
Get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss all the different ways we could work together. Email:
Contact us
We would love to hear from you! All feedback, comments, suggestions, inquiries and other greetings are warmly welcomed. You can contact us directly via the app, or you can drop as a line in Facebook messenger () or email .
You will also find us from instagram and twitter - in both.